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Foodogeki Game - Piccadilly Battle Arena Location, Food Truck and food cart location London

Checklist for 3d model design and illustration

How to create a design brief for a food truck model illustration for Foodogeki game? Here's a comprehensive checklist to guide you through the process

Understand the Game's Theme: Foodogeki is a food truck game that takes players on a culinary adventure. The design of the food truck should reflect this theme

Define the Target Audience: Identify the demographic and psychographic characteristics of the game's players. This will influence the design elements such as color, style, and imagery.

Identify the Food Truck's Unique Selling Proposition (USP): What makes this food truck unique in the game? The USP should be a central element in the design

Choose the Right Vehicle: The type of vehicle used for the food truck will impact the design. It should match the overall design concept.

Design the Interior: While not always visible in the game, having a concept for the interior design can help create a more immersive experience

Decide on Mobility: Determine if the food truck will be stationary or mobile within the game. This could affect the design and functionality

Brand the Outside of the Food Truck: This includes choosing colors, typography, and graphics that align with the game's branding and the food truck's concept.

Create a Logo: The food truck should have a distinctive logo that is easily recognizable in the game environment.

Design the Menu Display: The menu should be clearly visible and legible, showcasing the food items available in the game.

Consider Practical Elements: This includes the placement of windows, order counter, and how the player interacts with the food truck in the game.

Sketch the Design: Create initial sketches of the food truck from different angles. This will give a clear idea of how the design elements work together.

Create a Digital Illustration: Use design software to create a digital illustration of the food truck. This should be a detailed, high-quality image that can be used in the game.

Get Feedback: Share the design with the game developers and other stakeholders for feedback. Make necessary revisions based on their input.

Finalize the Design: Once all feedback has been incorporated and the design has been approved, finalize the design and prepare it for integration into the game.

Foodogeki Game - Piccadilly Battle Arena Location, Food Truck and food cart location London

Checklist 3D design and illustration

Checklist for a design brief for a food truck game battle arena design requirements that can be shared with an illustrator for the food truck game Foodogeki:

Identify a Real World Location: Choose a real-world location that will serve as the basis for the game battle arena. This could be a famous location like Piccadilly in London or Copacabana in Rio, Brazil. The location should be chosen for its distinctive architecture and atmosphere, which will add to the game's immersion.

Share Google Map Images and Location Pins with Architect: Provide the architect with Google Map images and location pins of the chosen location. This will give the architect a clear idea of the area's layout and the architectural style of the buildings

Architect Uses 3D CAD to Build Realistic Scaled Models: The architect should use 3D CAD software to create realistic scaled models of the urban architecture of the location. These models should accurately represent the buildings and streets of the chosen location.

Check the 3D Model for Optimal Camera View and Positions: Review the 3D model to determine the optimal camera views and positions for the game battle arena. This will ensure that the game provides a good view of the action and is enjoyable to play

Share the Screenshots with an Illustrator: Provide the illustrator with screenshots of the 3D model. These screenshots will serve as a reference for the illustrator when creating the game's artwork.

Specify the Illustration Style: Define the illustration style that should be used for the game's artwork. This could be a realistic style, a cartoon style, or any other style that fits the game's theme and atmosphere

Foodogeki Game - Piccadilly Battle Arena Location, Food Truck and food cart location London

Checklist battle arena design and illustration

Checklist for a design brief for a food truck game battle arena design requirements that can be shared with an illustrator for the food truck game Foodogeki:

Identify a Real World Location: Choose a real-world location that will serve as the basis for the game battle arena. This could be a famous location like Piccadilly in London or Copacabana in Rio, Brazil. The location should be chosen for its distinctive architecture and atmosphere, which will add to the game's immersion.

Share Google Map Images and Location Pins with Architect: Provide the architect with Google Map images and location pins of the chosen location. This will give the architect a clear idea of the area's layout and the architectural style of the buildings

Architect Uses 3D CAD to Build Realistic Scaled Models: The architect should use 3D CAD software to create realistic scaled models of the urban architecture of the location. These models should accurately represent the buildings and streets of the chosen location.

Check the 3D Model for Optimal Camera View and Positions: Review the 3D model to determine the optimal camera views and positions for the game battle arena. This will ensure that the game provides a good view of the action and is enjoyable to play

Share the Screenshots with an Illustrator: Provide the illustrator with screenshots of the 3D model. These screenshots will serve as a reference for the illustrator when creating the game's artwork.

Specify the Illustration Style: Define the illustration style that should be used for the game's artwork. This could be a realistic style, a cartoon style, or any other style that fits the game's theme and atmosphere

Foodogeki Game - Piccadilly Battle Arena Location, Food Truck and food cart location London

Checklist battle arena design and illustration

Checklist for a design brief for a food truck game battle arena design requirements that can be shared with an illustrator for the food truck game Foodogeki:

Identify a Real World Location: Choose a real-world location that will serve as the basis for the game battle arena. This could be a famous location like Piccadilly in London or Copacabana in Rio, Brazil. The location should be chosen for its distinctive architecture and atmosphere, which will add to the game's immersion.

Share Google Map Images and Location Pins with Architect: Provide the architect with Google Map images and location pins of the chosen location. This will give the architect a clear idea of the area's layout and the architectural style of the buildings

Architect Uses 3D CAD to Build Realistic Scaled Models: The architect should use 3D CAD software to create realistic scaled models of the urban architecture of the location. These models should accurately represent the buildings and streets of the chosen location.

Check the 3D Model for Optimal Camera View and Positions: Review the 3D model to determine the optimal camera views and positions for the game battle arena. This will ensure that the game provides a good view of the action and is enjoyable to play

Share the Screenshots with an Illustrator: Provide the illustrator with screenshots of the 3D model. These screenshots will serve as a reference for the illustrator when creating the game's artwork.

Specify the Illustration Style: Define the illustration style that should be used for the game's artwork. This could be a realistic style, a cartoon style, or any other style that fits the game's theme and atmosphere

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